Whispered Words of Wisdom - A Divine Collaboration with the Amazing Rita Crosbie and Divine Guidance

Published: June 16, 2021, 4 p.m.

I am so very excited to share my collaboration with one of my Beautiful So; Family Members Rita Crosbie.
We will be sharing what Whispered Words of Wisdom is all about and how you can be a part of these Intimate and Spirit sharing Gatherings with US.
Between the two of us we have almos 100 years worth of experience in listening, talking, sharing Spirit.
We have walked through fires, obstacles, initiations, personal Traumas and all the projected misunderstanding of those who have chosen for years to walk with Spirit in Form. We share the KNOWING of Oneness and are uniting to BE there to BE of Service to Empower and yes challenge those we share with on every level that together we are quite capable to do. With Discipline of Spirit and our WHole Beings guided by Love and Compassion we step forward for this part of our SHaring.
Because we only have an hour which usually goes by very quickly, we are inviting questions to be emailed to us ( just the ? no personal lead up or information) to Me at connect@divineguidance.earth
or to Rita at whisperedwordsofwisdom369@gmail.com
We will address as manyas we can on the SHow!
See you there!