What if it was all Divine Timing? (Spirit Partners For Life Episode 3) - Co-Hosted by Husband and Show Producer David Buck

Published: June 28, 2021, 10 p.m.

Spirit Partners For Life is an ongoing monthly series on every 4th Monday of the Month.

Co-hosted by Pam's husband David Buck, this will be a rich conversation between Pam, David, special guests and you about partnership, parenting, communication and generally how to share in your partner's spirit journey while honoring your own unique path as well.

Today's episode is all about the concept of Divine Timing - that everything happens for a reason at the time that it happens so you can learn the lessons you need to move forward in all the ways that spirit is leading you to.

Part 1 of 2, today's show will focus on the problems and solutions of what we do with our time.

Next month we will focus on embracing the notion of Divine Timing as a guiding force in our lives.

Spirit Partners For Life is not just about our relationship. It can read as follows as well...

(The) SPIRIT (within you) PARTNERS (with your physical existence) FOR (so that you can truly create and live fully the) LIFE (you were meant to live)

The intention of The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright is to introduce new ways of thinking, new modalities of healing and new practices into your life so you can make the shifts you need to in order to fully live the best life you can.