Unshakeable Grit, Grace & Determination

Published: Oct. 13, 2022, midnight

How many times have you made a decision - a FINAL decision, really. Then you waffled, changed your mind, changed it again, and changed it back. You know what you want, but it will cause trouble with the in-laws or your best friend. You wager, in your own thoughts, weigh the pros and cons and still go with what you know is not the right thing - it's the easy thing.

Making a decision is all about the energy and commitment within yourself. The Latin word that is the root of decision means to 'cut off' all escape routes. Think "burn the ships" kind of thing. Whether you are launching a business, determined to lose weight, hit the gym consistently, or leave an abusive relationship, you MUST set your absolute intention and DECIDE this is what you are doing.

On this week's show, we will examine, toss around and get to the root of how to make a final decision AND stay authentic while doing so. it requires grit, grace and determination and you can do it!