Unlock Your Psychic and Spiritual Powers with Richard Lawrence

Published: July 26, 2022, 5 p.m.

Richard is the author of the international bestseller Unlock Your Psychic Powers. He will share how all of us can and do use our latent psychic abilities in everyday life and especially in service to others. He will describe various forms of psychic experience including clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychic touch, smell and even taste, as well as specific abilities such as healing, channeling and astral projection (out of body experiences). He will explain the difference between psychic ability, which needs to be controlled and used for the betterment of others, and the power of intuition which, by its very nature, is always beneficial and always correct, providing you know how to recognise it. Richard, who has taught hundreds of people around the world to use their psychic and intuitive powers, looks forward to discussing his decades of psychic experience with Dr. Pat in view of her own vast experience in the fields of human potential and psychology.

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