Transcending Fear & Suffering Through Empathy With Akshay Nanavati

Published: Sept. 21, 2022, 1 a.m.

Is it possible to suffer well? Can we transcend fear, stress and anxiety to enhance our internal motivation and reach our own human potential?

Veteran, Explorer Author Akshay Nanavati would wholeheartedly say: Yes!

He's overcome drug addiction, PTSD from fighting in Iraq with the US Marines (where one of his jobs was to walk in front of vehicles to find bombs), depression and alcoholism that pushed him to the brink of suicide. Combining his life experience with years of research in science and spirituality, he wrote the book Fearvana," which the Dalai Lama wrote the foreword for.

In addition, he's is currently training for a 110 day, 1700-mile, solo, never-before-accomplished expedition in Antarctica next year.

Tune in as Austin and Akshay have a heart-to-heart discussion about the power of empathy and the human spirit and learn:▸ how to overcome fear, stress, anxiety, pain and suffering in order to create a life of greater meaning, joy and fulfillment

▸ how trusting in self can build immense internal wisdom and shape your perception and experience of the world around you

▸ Love is the base for who we are and the key to unlocking the divine creator aspect within

Be inspired to embrace and transcend your own suffering in service of something greater using empathy for self and others as a tool to harness your greatest potential!