The Power of Sound with Jill Mattson

Published: Feb. 9, 2022, 5 p.m.

Jill Mattson shares her extraordinary insights into sound--including special frequencies, rhythms and harmonics that expand consciousness, health and well being

Jill Mattson s lifelong quest has been to understand the reality and purpose of our existence and to get back to the forces and wisdom that created it all. The key Jewel Mattson discovered in her pursuits was the Secret of Sound Energy and that this force was mastered many eons ago by numerous Ancient Civilizations. With diligent study and intuitive powers Mattson has recovered many Ancient Traditions of Sound Energy and has learned how to apply them today. Furthermore, for many years Mattson has worked with Modern Masters like Sharry Edwards, Ibrahim Kareem, David Hulse to combine the best of modern science with the lost information from thousands of years ago the result is the best of both worlds.