The Power of Feng-Shui for Health, Peace and Prosperity

Published: April 14, 2022, 4 p.m.

The Power of Feng Shui with Feng Shui expert Kate MacKinnon. Many people have heard of Feng Shui and have some idea of what they think it is about, things like where you place your bed or which direction you should be facing. But what is it exactly? Kate is going to talk about how whether we know it or not, our space and environment affect us, including our health. When we feel off-balance in our home or any environment, there is usually something missing or out of balance in the space. By using the wisdom of Feng Shui to balance the elements in our physical environment, we create emotional balance within, creating a sense of inner peace. By creating peace in our environment, we create peace within ourselves, and ultimately peace in the world.