The Gloves are OFF... Time for some Truth Bombs

Published: July 19, 2023, 4 p.m.

b'I may not share things that are "Politically Correct" on this show. Since I started Divine Guidance with Patricia I have strived to not talk of 3D world events, staying in the Spiritual Lane only. Well.. Today is a differnt DAY. With everything going on in the physical - SPIRIT is pushing me , saying ~IT\'s TIME~ This Show will be MY views and Knowing and even though information - chaotic, good, questionable, and extreemly evil are circling the Human Race - I can only share from my discearnment. Taking a Spiritual View of the current events. Whats the Deeper Message. I have always had the Ascended Masters and Angeletics say " Patricia, if IT doesn\'t go down in the Physical - It Doesn\'t HAppen!" Creator please assist me as I call on Specific Instructions, and set my Soverign Soul in Divine Action Motion NOW NOW NOW!.'