The Amazonian Angel Oracle: Working with Angels, Devas, and Plant Spirits with Howard Charing

Published: Aug. 15, 2022, 5 p.m.

This oracle deck and guide presents a hands-on tool to connect with the shamanic spirits and angelic beings of the Amazon as well as the visionary power of ayahuasca.
The deck includes 33 vivid full-color cards, each featuring an angel, deva, or nature spirit set against an intricate backdrop containing Amazonian jungle plants and animals, celestial bodies, ancient temples, spiritual symbols, and ayahuasca visions. Many of these angels and devas have appeared in Amaringo s paintings part of the meaningful details that make his work unique and link it to the magic and mystery of the Amazon. Angels and spirits from the Amazonian shamanic tradition featured on the cards include Xil nster, the angel of prosperity; Darĭ, the deva of the rainforest; Nabu, the angel of esoteric knowledge; T atrukim, master of the healing arts; and the elemental spirits, K thima, Zarabeth, Shungo Nina, and Ariad .

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