The 3 P’s That Make a Tremendous Difference in Your Marriage: Prayer, Positivity & Passion

Published: Jan. 26, 2022, 8 p.m.

Have you asked yourself, what happened to the passion in my marriage? Or felt as if your spouse is happy and joyful with everyone else, but when it comes to you, their attitude and emotions are negative. As a husband, have you asked God, how is it that my wife prays, listens to gospel music, listens to different pastors teach, but still treats me mean? Often in a marriage balance is required in the areas of prayer, positivity, and passion for a healthy loving relationship. When either spouse puts more focus and attention on one and forgets the other, that causes frustration and resentment to become the controlling emotions. Join Coach Martez and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they share insight and bring a unique perspective on the power that prayer, positivity and passion have in your marriage.