That's a Wrap - Making Room For New Beginnings

Published: April 18, 2023, 1 a.m.

b'Join Nola Peacock Deb Weinberger for the last episode of The Angel Empowerment. Whenever there is an ending, whether it be a death, the ending of a marriage, job, or change in health, there is a period of letting go or grief. This process needs to be honoured and worked through, rather than pushing it down. An ending also leads to new beginnings. We always have a choice how these new beginnings unfold. Tune in to learn tips for letting go and for welcoming new beginnings. During the second half of the show you will have the option to ask questions or have a personalized Angel card reading. Simply call in LIVE via the usual number 1.800.930.2819 or you can put your name in the live chats. We just need to know your first name and location and if you have a specific question!We guarantee this show will be exactly what you need to hear, right NOW for your HIGHEST GOOD.Not to be missed!'