Steering through the jungle of the corporate world

Published: Sept. 11, 2023, 3 p.m.

b'Sometimes the corporate world feels like a dense jungle. Are you worried about not being able to get ahead or frustrated at being overlooked? What are some strategies you can use to feel more confident, be seen, and be heard? What inspired me to make this comparison with the jungle is the television show Mozart in the Jungle. I had always wondered why it was called that, so I looked it up! When I think about listening to Mozart, it s usually because I find it restful, almost peaceful. So it s strange to think about it any other way. What I learned is that while it may sound beautiful and simple on the surface, at the time it was composed, Mozart s music was wild and unpredictable, more complex than anything people had heard before sort of like an unexplored jungle. In this podcast episode, we ll explore the best ways to make it through that jungle to a successful career.'