Spirit Partners for Life - What's all this fuss about?

Published: Dec. 23, 2021, 8 p.m.

It's December 23rd, 2021. In this episode Pam and David explore how this time of year tends to capture both excitement and fear as well as anticipation of the end of the year.

Whenever a holiday comes around, people tend to either celebrate or dread it. The Christmas holiday is one of the biggest ones to bring about jingle bells, ho ho ho, and merriment as well as high stress from the built in expectations of family, friends, and society around the world.

How can we face ourselves and our built in stressors and find peace, joy, and acceptance wherever we are?

We invite you to allow all of yourself to join Pam and David in celebrating and honoring your unique path and bring a new experience of llfe to this time of the year.