Overcoming the Superwoman Syndrome While Still Feeling Like Wonder Woman

Published: March 20, 2023, 9 p.m.

Women are some of the most powerful beings on this Earth. As women, we want to 'do it all' because we have been told that we couldn t for so long. We want to be superheroes. Expecting women to show they can do anything has come with some costs. This is known as the superwomen syndrome. As defined by the American Psychological Association, superwoman syndrome is a set of characteristics found in a woman who performs or attempts to perform all the duties typically associated with several different full-time roles, such as wage earner, mother, homemaker, and wife/partner, advocate, and friend. The list goes on and on. While, if one sets her minds on a task or goal, women can achieve anything. However, we must establish, communicate and enforce boundaries so we do not become burnt out, experience health issues or enter into toxic relationships. On today's episode, learn how you can overcome the Super Woman Syndrome while still feeling like Wonder Woman.