Our Families Deserve to See the Best of us

Published: Feb. 17, 2023, 6 p.m.

Ray Freitas will be discussing his personal transformation story called Our Families Deserve to see the best of us. He will also be explaining his mission not only as a business owner but as a someone who understands the need for a higher purpose, and why families are leaving organized traditions, especially in the millennial generation. 70 percent of millennials want nothing to do with religion and are never going back. Community has been very beneficial for Ray and his grandmother in times of need, however with many families now isolated and leaning towards online communities for support, he understands that love must be taught without the role of institutions, and that most of us still mourn for a relationship with the creator and still have faith. Many of us do not want to be told how to run our lives when we are simply looking for spiritual guidance, and that is something Ray provides with his coaching and education business.