On the Edge of Right and Wrong

Published: Sept. 14, 2021, 6 p.m.

We are in an extremely divisive time in our world s history where censorship of anything that goes against the mainstream narrative is at an all-time high. People s social media profiles, private and public groups and Messenger threads are being removed from digital platforms daily. We are being told what we can and can not say, what words we are forbidden to speak if we want to be good citizens and how to take care of our bodies for the collective good. There is no more conversation of what is right or wrong; we are being told what is right and if we don t agree or question this, then we are in the wrong. Is this right? When there is only one narrative, there is no healthy debate, conversation or opportunity to explore different points of view. Master Healer, Megan Edge and her fabulous co-host and founder of Transformation Talk Radio, Dr. Pat, are talking about what is right or wrong, looking at everything from personal belief to irrefutable facts in this important episode of Playing on the Edge Radio.
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