On the Edge of Radical Forgiveness with Ease

Published: April 13, 2021, 6 p.m.

What is the one thing, action, behaviour or belief, that you could never forgive? Have you ever asked yourself, Why not? What if you did? What is Forgiveness? When you break the word down, it becomes For-Giving. Forgiveness is an absolution for behaviour that goes against the moral code decided upon by family, community, culture and religion. Therefore, forgiveness is personal to the moral code of the individual. Why, as a species, have we evolved forgiveness as an integral part of social cohesiveness, emotional evolution and personal growth? Master Healer, Megan Edge, and her fabulous co-host and founder or Transformation Talk Radio, Dr. Pat, are exploring these questions and sharing tools and techniques for Radical Forgiveness on this ground-breaking episode of Playing on the Edge Radio.