Moving From We to Me

Published: Dec. 9, 2022, 8:30 p.m.

This may be a difficult time for some of us maybe due to a break up, separation or divorce. The transition of being alone is overwhelming, right? I know it is a challenging time and it feels unreal. There are going to ups and downs. the pain will move in and out, and sometimes just making it through the day is the best we can do. My podcast guests and I are here to encourage you that You can make it through, and that you are NOT alone.

One of things that tremendously helped me during my painful journey was my commitment to me, my relationship with God and having a community of women where we cried, supported each other, and got thru it.

My podcast guests are 2 women. Together we were in the fight of our lives. We learned together, cried together and healed together. And later we celebrated together.

In this podcast, we ll share our stories from pain to purpose. We ll let you know what helped us through. We ll share wisdom and failures AND provide tips to help you move from We to Me.