Living Beyond: Being Healthy and Whole by Rewriting Your Story

Published: Jan. 28, 2022, 9 p.m.

Let's face it. Change happens. Sometimes, it lands on us without our consent.
Life altering career disruptions and health diagnoses can rock our confidence, shake up our normal, and influence our identity.

Have you received news that felt heavy or scary?
Where does your mind take you as process all the new information?
Do you feel paralyzed by or daunted with by the sudden shift your reality?

Reaction Vs. Response, the way through is up to you. Cancer. Diabetes. Auto-immune disorder. Pink Slip. Downsizing .'You aren't needed in this position'.

Where does your mind take you when you hear those words?
Do you create the story, or does the story create you?

We don't always get to choose what happens to us. But every challenge provides an opportunity to elevate our awareness. We CAN choose how we respond. We also have the power to choose IF and HOW the life changing event defines us.

Your diagnosis doesn't have to be your identity. You dont have to settle for surviving. You can create your own way to THRIVE! Today's conversation is powerful and dynamic. Tune in to learn how you can reclaim our life and your power by reframing your story.
New show format! Two amazing healers, One Powerful Hour, built just for you!
Kornelia will discuss how high vibrational thinking is a key to being healthy and happy. She'll share strategies to use your emotions to heal your life and transcend fear. Cyndi Lynne will share strategies to being Healthy and Whole through and after a diagnosis. Learn to be your own best advocate for your optimal health.