Light Language Emerging w/ Yvonne Perry

Published: June 19, 2015, 6:18 p.m.

Join Dr. Susan Allison with Yvonne Perry on Light Language.

Are you ready to embrace yourself as a being of light? Author Yvonne Perry will tell us how on today's show. Light is the language of the soul, which allows us to communicate directly with Source, our guides, and one another without the interference of the reasoning mind. As sacred geometry, light language activates codes to assist with healing and restoration on all levels. Discover the artistic tools of light language for opening DNA strands and aligning the body to the divine template required for building the light body. On today's show, you can learn how to participate in singing, intoning, speaking, writing, and gesturing light codes as a tool to help integrate aspects of your multidimensional soul for a unified expression of your highest and most loving self.