Light Language and Energy Channeling Episode

Published: Feb. 3, 2022, 8 p.m.

This is our healing and energy transmission LIVE show. Pam is a multidimensional healer so as she opens herself up to to love and light of the Creator of All-that-Is, your spirit teachers, guides, and galactic friends come through for Powerful downdloads, activations, and intuitive guidance for you.

Tune in to this episode and ask for whatever you need. This work can access physical, emotional,mental, or spiritual problems and challenges and gets right to the core of them.
Problems that you may be experiencing right now:

Stress Grief Anxiety
Pain Confusion Separation from Loved Ones
Fear Chronic Illness
Worrry Isolation
Loss Depression

***Any or all of these can be addressed by working with Pam Bright and connecting to the Spirits of Support that work through her. Don't be a secret. Allow yourself to receive!***