Let's Get Into Somatic Work with Meghan Aro

Published: Dec. 20, 2022, 11 p.m.

I'm a trauma-informed Somatic Coach who helps people bridge the gap between their conscious thinking minds and their subconscious through learning the language of the body. I ran my own business for seven years as a corrective exercise coach, yoga instructor, and wellness educator. My most passionate work, during that time, involved helping clients gain more access to pain-free movement, and in turn changing their perceptions of their bodies. I came into the world of somatic therapy through my own desire to heal past traumas, and I came to a deep understanding that the mind-body psychology I was learning was the other side of the coin to the work I had previously been doing in the wellness industry. Somatic Healing provided a new lens through which I ve been able to experience healing and growth that I never believed was possible, and because of these experiences I decided to pursue this work myself. Guest Links https://www.meghanaro.com https://www.instagram.com/meghanaro https://www.tiktok.com/meghanaro Show Links The ECS YouTube Channel The ECS Facebook Live Link (Tuesdays @ 3pm PST) The ECS Spotify The ECS Apple Podcasts