Leaning into life with Andréa Raquel

Published: Nov. 9, 2022, 11 p.m.

Meet Andr a Raquel, a history maker - show stopper and starter, and all-around beautiful human.
I ve been so blessed to have met her and I m glad to share her light with my listeners.
Today we are tapping into what it means to be a person in the world right now, the ethos that guides us, and how we intend and sometimes unintentionally lead in our communities. Sometimes when we say community we think of physical spaces. I think that notion has changed over time, but more acutely in these past few years when physical space is shared differently and our perception of space, proximity to others, and how we choose to be in spaces is at the forefront of our minds and hearts. To guide us in this thought experiment I d like to introduce you to my sister Andrea Raquel.