Juggling Professional and Personal Life

Published: Jan. 24, 2023, 4 p.m.

The past 2 years have strained many of the assumed lifestyle expectations we have made prior to the pandemic restrictions. From work from home to home schooling, masking to protect vulnerable family members, and the uncertainty that CoVid has presented all of it, it's no wonder that there is still a juggling act going on for many people to establish new "norms" for their personal and professional lives. Business owners and executives have had a challenge determining what these new parameters look like and how to establish new habits that take into account some of the lessons we've learned during the pandemic. As in many situations, solopreneurs have an added challenge because they are the only person in their business. We will be discussing the challenge of establishing new norms with our guest Sawsan Abubaker, an Enrolled Agent and owner of IFS Tax Accounting, LLC. What time and structure management needs to be implemented in her business.