It is Healing and Bright Light Codes with Pam Bright

Published: Feb. 1, 2024, 8 p.m.

b'This episode is your Healing and Channeling Show.\\xa0 Pam is proficient at delivering the Light Codes and messages from many galactic, angelic, and cosmic beings who are ready and on stand by to deliver spiritual information to you for your Earthly Adventure. \\xa0 Being that this is the month of LOVE, we will be focusing on these energies for your body system as you experience life in 2024. \\xa0 How has the new year been for you so far?\\xa0 Any breakthroughs or breakdowns can be assisted by Pam\'s" Bright Languages" and channeled messages for your well being. \\xa0 Please call in for this LIVE interaction:\\xa0 1-800-930-2819'