How We Sabotage Our Magic

Published: June 7, 2022, 5 p.m.

Imagine riding in a boat that just came out of a storm. The water is smooth, the weather is calm and the boat is heading to a destination that you have been trying to reach. You feel uncomfortable, it s too peaceful. Then suddenly, you start drilling holes in the bottom of the boat trying to lighten your load. What you don t realize is that this is only making you sink. You are afraid to get to that destination because someone or something made you believe you don t deserve to get what you want, or you just don t deserve for things to be easy. This is self-sabotage and self -destructive behavior and this hinders your magic. Join me in this episode to uncover how you may be sabotaging your happiness, success, relationships or health. Let s get back sailing on smoother waters so you can Awaken your magic within.