How Love & Connection Can Be A Catalyst For Revenue Generation

Published: July 20, 2022, 1 a.m.

Is it possible to be a loving person who leverages kindness in the marketplace AND make a good living? According to Revenue Strategist Kadena Tate it's not only possible, it's essential in today's changing market.

Our world is changing. We're beginning to shift the tides of fear being the primary way of doing business and evolving into love, compassion and connection setting the foundation for how we move forward.

Kadena is on the forefront of this shift and has built her business around her super power of connection. Drop in as she and Amber talk through:

▸ The change of the world's #1 product from fear to love and the impact that will have on your business

▸ Three examples for how to overcome fear and attachment

▸ How to cultivate courage in an ever changing world

Prepare to be inspired! Kadena's brilliant light can't be contained and you'll absolutely feel it shine through as these two hearts connect in a discussion you won't want to miss.

To learn more about Kadena Tate visit:

Website: KadenaTate.comInsta: @kadenatate

To learn more about Amber and the Suivera mission, visit Suivera and give us a Like on Facebook

To explore more tools from The Heart Leader Program, visit The Heart Leader Toolbox

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