Healthy Thinking Happy Life- Part 4 Turning resistance into action: master your mindset and get $hit done!

Published: Jan. 27, 2023, 9 p.m.

How are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions? Are you getting wear you want to be, or are you getting stuck and need some help? Resistance is a natural part of getting stuck and getting unstuck. On one hand, we get stuck because we create emotional resistance to things that are new, scary, or just plain out of our comfort zone. On the other hand, like a bike chain that connects the front gears to the back gears on a bike, we have to have positive resistance in order to move ourselves forward. You don't get very far when the chain slips off the sprokets because you lose your energy and forward momentum. But what if you could shift your mindset AND get out of your own way? WHAT IF you could make one simple change to get yourself back on track and reach the goals you set for yourself? "You may not know what lies in the future when you opt for change, but trust your instincts when they tell you that you cannot stay where you are." So you know something needs to shift or change in order for you to be happier, healthier, and live the life you dream of living but you don't know how to get there. Tune in this week as authors from the soon to be released book "Healhty Thinking, Happy Life- Master Your Mindset To Get $#it done give you easy to do strategies to get back on track! Look for our new kindle version on Amazon dot com. Download your copy then leave us a review with your thougths!