Going with the Flow

Published: June 2, 2022, 10:30 p.m.

Do we really have to hop off the cliff just like Indiana Jones and hope for something to appear beneath us?In this episode of the Be Happy Now show, Claudia-Sam talks about what going with the flow is all about.It doesn t have to be scary (and it can actually inspire more confidence and trust from within).If you ve been holding a tight controlling grip on how Life needs to go for you, whether you re looking to lead your life from your Passion, change jobs, start your own business, love your body more, feel more connected in your relationships and/or be happier This episode will help support you on your way there with ease and flow.Sometimes we need a little pick me up , and this is just that.If you want a personalized motivation and clarity call with Claudia-Sam at no cost, go to claudiasamsoulcoaching.com/yes and find a time to connect.