Full Body System Wellness with special guest- Evalngelia Vensel

Published: Sept. 14, 2023, 7 p.m.

b'In this episode of the show, my special guest- Evangelia Vensel will be sharing with us her amazing journey from a life of despair and suffering which includes a body of diseases, to living her life today full on with zest and vitality. Many people have had difficulty with trauma in all kinds of ways, from emotional abuse to being misdiagnosed from doctors who are in the healthcare field to care for us. Our systems for survival as a human species are broken. We are looking for new ways to care for our bodies and our lives. Pam will be interviewing her special guest to find out how Evangelia is curing herself of childhood traumas and a toxic physical body through natural medicines and spiritual means. My special guest is passionate about sharing her story and creating a natural healing sanctuary of for alternative therapies where people can out - live their terminal diagnoses and thrive. Please join us LIVE - 1-800-930-2819 ** Call with questions, requests for healing, requests for guidance**'