From Trauma to Triumph

Published: March 4, 2022, 6 p.m.

Vernita was bullied in school and developed a codependency character. She needed to be needed and was a people pleaser perfectionist. She divorced after 24 years of marriage, lost her first born son due to a tragic car accident, and then subsequently lost her second son to the prison system.

She then lost three parents in less than a year, almost lost her life to COVID.

Through all this - Vernita says "God restores!"

Vernita's life has been centered around trauma. She said "I have been depressed, pitiful, angry, evil, and a screamer. I have gone through a lot and have learned how to suffer and how to live abundantly. I am living triumphantly because I refused to remain stuck in what could have caused my demise. Instead I rise victorious knowing that God is a very present help and that even in my toughest moments, He is there. And now I help others see the other side.

Vernita is a true inspiration.