From Disordered Eating to Food Freedom + Self Love

Published: Aug. 24, 2021, 7:30 p.m.

Talking points:
-share my story (my rock bottom when I needed to Boss Up!)
-WHY this matters/ Stats: 97% of women struggle with negative body image... and 80% of girls have been on a diet by the age of 10!!
-breaking up with the diet mentality/ punishing yourself with exercise. Eating healthy + moving your body does NOT need to be hard, or a chore! It can and should feel good! (Note: Bust up some old school myths about cardio/ diets)
-my unique approach to nutrition-- the Empowered Eating Method-- combines intuitive eating with gentle nutrition so you really CAN have your cake eat it too!
-importance of feeling CONFIDENT and loving yourself as an Entrepreneur!
-upcoming BOOK this fall!