Finding Purpose In The Process - A Survivor Story with Chelsea Kunde

Published: Feb. 23, 2022, 2 a.m.

If you know someone facing cancer treatments or illnesses that cause hair loss, we encourage you to tune in and to share this episode.

When Chelsea Kunde was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, she was at the start of her young adult life. Her heartwarming story of triumph is not only inspiring, it also resulted in an organization that now provides hope and support for others facing illness and disease.

Tune into this episode of The Heart Leader Podcast as Amber and Chelsea:

▸ Discuss Chelsea's amazing story of courage, strength and vulnerability

▸ Understand how Chelsea, her friends and her family took a challenging situation and built an organization of hope and support from it

▸ Dive into ways the organizations Chelsea currently runs (Wigged Out and Building Blocks Family) can support those in need


To learn more about Chelsea Kunde and her amazing organizations, visit them at:
Wigged Out:
Building Blocks Family:

To explore more tools from The Heart Leader Program, visit The Heart Leader Toolbox

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