Exercising the Birthright to be Black and Female Anywhere

Published: March 16, 2022, 10 p.m.

Question of the Hour:
What if we truly exercised the birthright to be Black and female anywhere?
Benefits of Travel: Access is Everything.
Meet Irijah Stennett, the owner of Irie Travels. She is a certified YogaSkills Kemetic Yoga teacher, Pranic Energy Practitioner, Fashion Designer and creator of "Retreat to Freedom". Ms. Stennett is excited to teach everyone from kindergartners to seniors, and continue building on her global yoga wellness journey! She believes Travel is the Best Education, an infamous quote by Moroccan Scholar Ibn Battuta and is currently pursuing her personal endeavors in international travel, fashion design, philanthropy, spending time with her Grams, extended family and growing international wellness community.
Irijah is the author of 38 Ways to Discover Freedom, available on Amazon.Learn more about her commitments at https://www.humanityinaction.org/person/irijah-stennett