Ep. 62 Finding Joy and Creating Peace with Food

Published: Dec. 20, 2022, 8:30 p.m.

A candid and casual conversation with Tricia Clark, Cooking Coach Kitchen Mentor, on how shifting the energy you put into meal planning and cooking can completely change your experience around the table. When you shed the expectations, stress, and overwhelm that many feel you create space for fun, confidence, creativity, and connection. Tricia shares her own story from picky-eater to home chef and foodie, goes into depth on where the root of the stress often lies, and the building blocks to finding your own "secret sauce" in the kitchen, so you can create space for more connection and conversation. Episode Resouces from your host: ❤️Download the Design and Amplify your EPIC life Guidebook - https://www.canva.com/design/DAFUqMhSkjI/J1yJgtnk-aH10nFA9HkA4A/view?utm_content=DAFUqMhSkjI utm_campaign=designshare utm_medium=link2 utm_source=sharebutton ❤️ Join the Healthy Hustle Facebook community today, https://www.facebook.com/groups/365healthyhustle ❤️Ready to BossUp and Get Fit with Karissa? Book your free 15-min. Get Fit Clarity call today! https://calendly.com/karissaadkins/bossup-strategy-call ❤️Come say Hi on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/365.daily.hustle/ Episode Resouces from our Guest: ❤️ Website www.triciasbitesoflife.com ❤️ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TiredtoInspiredCooking ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/tiredtoinspiredcooking/ #mealplanning #mealplans #overwhelmedmom #kitchencoach #mompreneur #momlife