Ep. 26 - The Wisdom of Naturing

Published: June 17, 2022, 7:30 p.m.

In this episode, we'll continue our conversation about the transformation that occurs when we immerse ourselves in nature - the act of "naturing" - and what wisdoms we can glean about ourselves, the way we live, anllowing some deeper truths to surface that can help us heal, evolve and grow.

There is a difference between going into nature and being immersed and connecting with it as part of us.

We are nature. And so immersing ourselves in nature expediates the process of remembering who we came here to be. Nature is our medicine.

When we immerse ourselves in it... when we are "naturing", we can experience a shift in our being - being present, listening and observing.

This is our original and natural state of being.

Naturing is the process of remembering that which we came here to be, being open to being reminded of that in a multitude of ways in our dailiy lives, and uncovering what has been buried within us - individually and collectively speaking.

Another episode you won't want to miss!

Our power to change collectively begins and ends with each of us individually, so let's do this together!


On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities. We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care. We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.

Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.
