Ep. 24 - 'TONS & TONS'- How Creativity Helps Define and Shift Perspective

Published: May 20, 2022, 7:30 p.m.

"This is our 24th episode? Really? Man this last year has flown by!"

In this celebratory episdoe we will literally shift our perspective in real time by going behind the camera with our producer, Jacob Kappes.

Jacob has a passion for storytelling and believes every person has a story worth telling and that every story deserves to be heard.

We'll be featuring some of the stories told through music by Jacob and his band Tons Tons
( https://open.spotify.com/artist/1flw4Vd8RfmxO9X2QfwGr2 )

The production team is vital to Transformation Talk Radio's high quality output that you listen to every day. In this episdode, we'll give you the listeners/viewers some insight to the the behind the scenes magic that brings all our shows to life.

What do they see and hear as shows develop?
What are their take-aways that have shaped their perpsectives both behind the camera, and in real life.

Creativity and Finesse- that's what it takes to create a radio show. Coincidently, they are also the things we need to get through life!

Creativity is critical to our individual expressions of humanity. It's what allows us to take risks and make statments about who we are or who we want to be. Creativity helps bring balance between our work lives and personal lives and Finesse is how it all comes together regardless of who is watching, what lens they see through, or what meaning they attach to what they see.

This is going to be fun episode! Don't miss this...


On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities. We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care. We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.

Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.