Encore: Choosing your Empowered Life with Special Guest- Dana Pellegrini

Published: June 23, 2022, 7 p.m.

I am super excited to bring in my special guest, Dana Pellegrini to this episode! She is my dear friend and client, as well as a true Soul Sister. Dana has been a lifelong student and teacher of awakening and embodiment of her true Soul's Path.

Her message for humanity is simple:

"Joy First. And then, anything else that you have time for!!" from Abraham

Dana calls herself a Joy Guide. Pam calls her a Joy Ambassador and a Love Goddess. Please join us for a truly deep dive into happiness, joy, and a real sense of what the New Earth is bringing forth on planet earth in 2022.

This is a LIVE CALL-IN show, so call in, write in, or chat. 1-800-930-2819, theempowermeshow@gmail.com