Communicating what you want from the heart

Published: Sept. 29, 2022, 10:30 p.m.

In this episode of the Be Happy Now Show, Claudia-Sam explores the difference between saying what s on your heart so that someone is hurt on purpose vs communicating your needs from a place of passion and purpose.

A lot of Claudia-Sam s clients are afraid to put themselves first because of the fear that they will disappoint others.

If that s you, listen to this episode to hear her recipe for clear heart-centered communication (while believing in your worthiness to get what you want).

Find out more about how to access your inner confidence, and consistently make empowered decisions by going to and booking your free possibilities chat with Claudia-Sam.

If you would be interested in doing a "Heart Mapping Coaching Intensive" with Claudia-Sam, click here for more information.