Choosing Your Empowered Life Episode 2 - If Cancel Culture is the problem, what is the solution?

Published: June 14, 2021, 10 p.m.

Today on our series called Choosing Your Empowered Life, we tackle the ideas of Cancel Culture.

Where does Cancel Culture begin? What can we do to end it? Is it our responsibility or should we just wait for somebody else to do it?

We will share with you what we feel is some of the best news in the world about this phenomenon...nobody is born that way.

"Cancel Culture" is only taught, so if we stop teaching each other that it is acceptable, perhaps we can more readily accept what is...starting with each other.

How to turn "Cancel Culture" into "Embrace Diversity", A YouTube playlist of music videos for your consideration

Co-hosted by my husband and Spirit Partner For Life David Buck, this will be a rich deep dive into how you can CHOOSE YOUR EMPOWERED LIFE.

The Empower Me Game Overview - A Shared Google Doc

The Empower Me Game Facebook Group

Choosing Your Empowered Life - A YouTube Playlist of Motivational Music Videos

Choosing Your Empowered Life - A Pinterest Pinboard

The theme for the 2nd Monday of every month is called Choosing Your Empowered Life!

The intention of The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright is to introduce new ways of thinking, new modalities of healing and new practices into your life so you can make the shifts you need to in order to fully live the best life you can.