Choose Yourself, BEFORE You Lose Yourself

Published: Oct. 8, 2021, 8:30 p.m.

When was the last time you made a decision that only benefitted you?

Do you wish you could have a do-over with choices you've made in the past?

Making Decisions can be hard, especially when women make sacrifices to support a business partner, friend, or spouse. Maybe left a job you liked so your spouse could have their dream job. Perhaps you said no to your friends because 'family' came first.

Sometimes we say yes to others before we really consider how it will affect our personal well being, mindset, finances or overall joy. The non-reciprocal reward: We give up something for someone else's benefit, believing we will be rewarded, only to find that our sacrifices erode our sense of self.

In this Episode we discuss CHOICE plays a significant role in rebalancing and reclaiming your sense of self without guilt, shame or resentment. What works? What doesn't as middle age women leverage choice to increase happiness, decrease stress, and live the life they want to live.