Changing Negative Thoughts- Your power, Your Choice

Published: May 28, 2021, 8:30 p.m.

The average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day. Approximately 95% are the same redundant thoughts as the day before, and nearly 80% of them are negative.

How often do you judge yourself? Negative thoughts and negativ self-talk, no matter how small often lead to health issues that lowers your immune system's responses and, in turn, leaves your body vulnerable to health hazards.

Can this change? YES, ABSOLUTELY!

One thought can change your life in a blink of an eye!
The one thought that transformed my life was realizing that I had a choice, and then putting a boundary in place. The boundary? Refusal to judge myself anymore!

Our happiness, personal freedom and quality of life are directly proportional to how we think, feel and act. All of these things are within your power, and your control. The power of choosing your thoughts cannot be underestimated.

Join the coversation and learn how you can seed, grow, and thrive with new, positive, thoughts!
Change your life today!

Take this 21-DAY POSITIVITY SELF CHALLENGE of "No Negative Self-Talk" to release everything that is not in harmony with your true nature. You can create and live your best life now! Every positive change begins with a clear, definitive decision that you are going to either do something, or stop doing something. Join me in refusing to judge yourself with this 21-Day Challenge!