Buying clothes to feel worthy (it's not your fault)

Published: Feb. 17, 2022, 11:30 p.m.

Do you sometimes feel not worthy or good enough to be your Self which makes you buy more "stuff" to fill a void?

Are you willing to be aware of where you stand in your relationship with buying clothes?

In this episode of the Be Happy Now show, you get to learn about ways to represent your most authentic Self (without feeling like you have to buy something to fill a void).

You are already worthy!

This isn't about what you should be wearing... it's about recognizing that your essence can shine through your style beyond what you "look like" to help you feel empowered within who you are. It CAN be easy to be authentically YOU, especially when you feel confident in your body. To get there, you might use many tools, like Claudia-Sam's Tune-In Method ( OR you might use fashion a tool too (

Claudia-Sam discusses with Fashion Your Life's Andrea Cameron to explore:

What retail therapy is all about (yes, it can be healthy)
How you might have your own style and be able to be your most authentic Self (beyond what fashion tells you to wear)
How you don t need to BE more nor buy into the new thing

Book a power hour with Andrea to have a solid grasp of your personal style so you can forge ahead knowing you are making the right decisions for you:

Learn to put yourself first with Claudia-Sam and download her free 3-step audio guide to help you put yourself at the top of the to-do list (without guilt) here: