Business Success can lead to life burnout & unhealthy habits if you're not careful

Published: July 13, 2021, 7:30 p.m.

Burnout is a B*t*h and can cause you to feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and unmotivated! With so many people trying to earn a living and living an unbalanced life, how can you Hit the Reset and overcome the chaos? On Tuesday, July 13th @ 12:30 PST I plan on picking the brain of a true BossUp Babe. I will be having a real conversation with Speaker, Best selling Author, Expert, and TV show host Clara Capano.

Our conversation will include:
Who is Clara and what does she know about burnout
What being a BossUp Babe means to her
Burnout, What are signs? WHY we need to STOP feeling this way ASAP and HOW we can overcome burnout and rise to the top.

STOP working, take a minute, and add the BossUp Babe Live Radio show" to your already full calendar.