Backing Away from Burnout- choosing the path of lesser resistance

Published: July 23, 2021, 8:30 p.m.

You've heard the phrase. Perhaps you've even told someone close to you that you are at the end of it.

It's easy to tell when we've 'burnt the candle at both ends' for far to long. Our bodies and minds get exhausted beyond the point of functionality, and our spirit feels to drained to feed us.

It's that place where you feel literally at the end of your rope, you have nothing left to give to yourself, much less anyone else.
The most obvious places we experience burnout are at work and in school, but where else and how else does burnout show up?

Most people who drive cars do regular maintenance and repair to prevent a major problem or expensive and timing consuming trip to the mechanic.

So why as humans, do we not do the same thing for our mind, body, and spirt? Imagine what it would be like if we took ourselves in for a 'tune up' or to 'run some diagnostics' before the engine quits running or we fall apart?

Today, we'll talk about ways to recognize the signs of burnout BEFORE we get there, and we'll discuss tips and tricks to Back Away from Burnout by choosing a path with less resistance.

Understanding what leads up to burnout, and how to work backwards by creating awareness, action, and accountability to and for ourselves.