Angels and the Christmas SPIRIT!!

Published: Dec. 13, 2022, 2 a.m.

Angels and More Angels ready to be asked!! Join Cindy and Deb as they share strategies to keep your vibration high during the festive season. All too often, we feel the pressure to make Christmas perfect - for everyone and get lost in the hustle ending up feeling drained by the time dinner is served! Christmas is the time when we feel the need to put a big smile on our faces, yet the season is emotional for many of us. But did you know that your Angel team is waiting in the wings to assist you? Listen in and discover the REAL secret to the Christmas Spirit!

As always, they will be giving live Angel Card Readings during the last 30mins of the show. Call in or type in the chat on social media platforms. And for those of you who join us live your name will be entered for some gifts!