Alive, Fit & Free

Published: May 18, 2021, 4 p.m.

Talk about a Triple Whammy...
How would you face:

Death of a spouse
Starting a business at 66

Join us as Vickie shares her journey of transofrmation as she maneuvered through challenging life circumstances, choosing to use those to build character and strength. She faced cancer at age 25, healing herself with all natural methods, only to lose her husband and father to their 6 children at age 49. Through this process of loss and the subsequent healing and recovery, she discovered who she was and learned to embrace that step by step. Each 'adventure,' which is what she chooses to call those tough situations, provided her with more opportunity to grow and put wings on her purpose and passion. Vicki rebuilt her life with new strength and vigor and became a startup entrepreneur at the age of 66! She is a living example of being 'Alive, Fit Free' as she shares her insights, enthusiasm and encouragement to inspire others to discover and pursue their passions.