Ageless Beauty, Vitality, and Wellbeing Inside Out with Guest Host Stephanie James & Guest Sedena Cappannelli

Published: April 26, 2021, 5 p.m.

What if you could access the fountain of youth at any age? What if you learned that it wasn't something you had to go looking for, that actually the way to vitality, beauty, and wellbeing were already inside of you? Join me for this special episode where my guest will be Sedena Cappannelli. Sedena is theCo-Founder AgeNation, award-winning author, LifeWellness and Organizational Consultant, retreat facilitator, Ageless Living Coach, co-producer, and presenter Ageless Living Television Series for PBS. We have an amazing show ahead for you where we share the tools to help you drink from your own internal fountain of wellbeing and create your best life.
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