A Brave Space for Conversation

Published: Oct. 20, 2021, 10 p.m.

Welcome to InflexionPoint Podcast on Transformation Talk Radio. InflexionPoint Podcast is a brave space for conversation about racism, personal transformation, and accountability. Join this journey towards antiracism and cultivating change from the inside out. In this episode you will get to know Anita Russell, the creator and host of InflexionPoint Podcast. You'll also get to know the co-hosts, Mavis Bauman, and Gail Hunter. Together they make up an online Antiracism Mastermind Group.InflexionPoint Podcast is a companion to the Activism through Coaching Model Anita developed under her brand, The Place to SOAR. As a transformation coach, her role is to question, inform, and empower. A coaching approach in a mastermind setting enables participants to dive deeply into their innermost thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and assumptions while examining what emerges in their words, actions, and behaviors as a member of a racialized society. This approach encourages empowerment in four key areas: courage, conversation, relationship, and accountability. Will you join the conversation?