59. What is the point

Published: March 3, 2023, 5 p.m.

Join me today as I share with you a very real conversation that most, if not all of us have had with ourselves or others at some point in time in our life. It was so powerful that I thought I would take it on today. What is the point? Why bother? What s it all for? To what end? These questions might be asked in regards to a certain goal, task or project or to the very essence of LIFE itself. These are the questions we are going to do a deep dive into today. If you have ever found yourself spinning in these types of questions or know someone that is please join and share. I am going to walk through 4 possible reasons that you have lost your motivation for life and how to get it back. My hope is that we are creating a community by way of this podcast. I wish I could get this work into the hands of every woman I know. Maybe you could help me. Who do you want to do this life with? Maybe you click the 3 dots, copy the link and send this to them.